Terms & Conditions

This site and the connected sites contained thus (all in all, the "Site") make accessible data on inns, and other transient stay offices (each a "Site") possessed, oversaw or diversified by the Opo Hotels, or potentially its auxiliaries and subsidiaries (all things considered), and other travel-related or shopper merchandise and enterprises. The Site, and the administrations of every one of its modules, is offered only by Opo Hotels, as well as its different outsider suppliers and wholesalers.

The terms and conditions set out underneath ("Conditions") apply to your utilization of the Site including the utilization of the data administrations offered on the Site. In getting to, utilizing, seeing, sending, reserving or putting away this Site or any of its administrations, capacities, materials, or substance, you will be considered to have consented to each and all the Conditions and notification in this Site without alteration. Further, you consent to be limited by these Conditions so please deliberately read this part prior to continuing. In the event that you don't acknowledge these Conditions, you should abstain from utilizing the Site. These Conditions should be perused related to some other material terms and conditions administering the utilization of the Site.

1. Site

The Site makes accessible data identifying with lodgings and resorts possessed or oversaw by the Opo Hotels, an organization comprised under the laws of India, and its auxiliaries, controlled substances, associates and related gatherings having a place with Opo Hotels, or being worked or overseen by Opo Hotels.

2. Trademarks

Opo Hotels, Intellectual Property is shielded from replicating and reproduction under public and worldwide laws and may not be recreated, duplicated or in any case utilized in any way at all, on any material whether unmistakable or elusive, without the express earlier composed authorization and assent of Opo Hotels, Resorts and Serviced Apartments. Without impediment, you should not utilize any of the said exchange or administration marks, either alone or related or blend or variety with other exchange and administration imprints, logos and gadgets:

  • In or as the entire or part of your own brand names;
  • regarding exercises, items or administrations which are not embraced or given by Opo Hotels;
  • In a way which might be confounding, misdirecting or tricky; or
  • In a way that slanders Opo Hotels, or its data, items or administrations (counting the Site).

Nothing contained on the Site should be interpreted as giving, by suggestion, estoppels, or something else, any permit or option to utilize any of the brand names without the composed consent of Opo Hotels, or such other gathering that may possess the brand names.

3. Copyright

The Site, including every one of its modules, is the copyrighted property of Opo Hotels, or potentially its different outsider suppliers and wholesalers. The data, text, illustrations, pictures, photos, recordings, sounds, connections and any remaining data and programming distributed or in any case contained in the Site ("Information") are either possessed solely by Opo Hotels, or authorized by Opo Hotels, and besides as explicitly gave in these Conditions may not be replicated, conveyed, showed, repeated or sent, in any structure or using any and all means whether electronic, mechanical, copying, recording, or something else, without the earlier composed endorsement of Opo Hotels.

Without impediment you may not, without such endorsement from Opo Hotels, make subordinate works from any piece of the Site or popularize any Information, items or administrations acquired from any piece of the Site. Data secured from an outsider might be the subject of copyright claimed by that outsider. Unapproved utilization of the Site as well as the materials contained on the Site may abuse relevant copyright, brand name or other protected innovation laws or different laws. You should hold all copyright and brand name sees, including some other restrictive notification, contained in the materials. The utilization of such materials on some other site or in any climate of organized PCs is carefully disallowed.

4. Your Use

The Site is for your personal non-commercial use and the Information may be downloaded or printed by you solely for that purpose. You may only use the Site if you are at least 18 (eighteen) years of age and can enter into binding contracts (the Site is not available for use by minors). You are responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your passwords, login and account information. You will be financially accountable for all uses of the Site by you and anyone using your password and login information. The right to use the Information is a license only, not a transfer of title, and is subject to the following restrictions:

  • The information may not be used for any commercial purpose or public display, performance, sale or rental;
  • No copyright or other proprietary notices may be removed:
  • The information may not be transferred to another person;
  • Software may not be interfered with in any manner;
  • Every person downloading, reproducing or otherwise using the Information must prevent any unauthorized copying of the Information;
  • You will only use the information for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Conditions.

In addition, you agree that you will not use robot, spider, other automatic device, or manual process to monitor or copy our web pages or the content contained herein, without the prior written consent of Opo Hotels, (such content is deemed given for standard search engine technology employed by internet search web sites to direct internet users to the Site).

5. Information

Opo Hotels, strives to ensure that the information is accurate and reliable. You accept that all Information provided on the Site or any other material accessed through the Site including via any Linked Website (refer Condition 8) is general information and is not in the nature of advice.

You also accept that all of the Information is provided on an “as is” basis and to the extent permitted by law, is provided without any warranty, representation or condition of any kind whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise. You assume all responsibility and risk for your use of or reliance upon Information and the Site or any other material accessed through the Site including via any Linked Website.

Whilst Opo Hotels, seeks to ensure that the Information is reliable and accurate, errors and omissions may occur and therefore, to the extent permitted by law, Opo Hotels, does not make or give any representation or warranty (express or implied) of any kind as to any matter relating to the Site and any Linked Website, including without limitation, as to merchantability, non-infringement of intellectual property rights or fitness for purpose.

In particular Opo Hotels, does not warrant that:

  • The Information or any other material accessed through the Site including via any Linked Website is reliable, accurate or complete including, without limitation, information relating to prices and availability; or
  • Your access to Information or any other material accessed through the Site including via any Linked Website will be uninterrupted, timely or secure.

Opo Hotels, is not liable for any loss (direct or indirect) resulting from any action taken or reliance made by you on the Information or any other material accessed through the Site including via any Linked Website. You should make your own inquiries and seek independent professional advice before acting or relying on any such information or material.

Opo Hotels, may from time to time update, modify or add to the Information, including these Conditions and absolutely reserves the right to make such changes without any obligation to notify past, current or prospective users of the Site. Unless otherwise specified to the contrary all new Information shall be subject to these Conditions.

Opo Hotels, does not guarantee that the Site will operate continuously or without interruption or be error free. Opo Hotels, may suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Site at any time without being liable for any direct or indirect loss as a result of such action.

6. Liability Disclaimer & Exclusion

In no occasion will Opo Hotels, be answerable for any immediate, aberrant, exceptional, accidental or noteworthy misfortune or harm, anyway emerging and whether in agreement, misdeed or something else, which you may endure regarding or emerging out of:

  • Your utilization of the Site or any Linked Website; or
  • Your utilization of or dependence on Information or some other material got to through the Site including by means of any Linked Website including without impediment, misfortune or harm via loss of benefits, loss of business opportunity, business interference or loss of data.

These Conditions don't indicate to prohibit obligation emerging by any relevant law if, and to the degree, such risk can't be legitimately rejected, notwithstanding, to the degree allowed by law, all guarantees, terms or conditions which would somehow or another be inferred into these Conditions are thus avoided.

Where pertinent law infers any guarantee, term or condition, and that law denies prohibition or change of any such guarantee, term or condition, at that point the obligation of Opo Hotels, will incorporate risk for any penetrate of such guarantee, term or condition at the same time, to the degree allowed by law, the solution for such break will be restricted as follows:

  • If the penetrate identified with administrations the cure will be restricted to the stockpile of the administrations again or installment of the expense of having the administrations provided once more; and
  • If the break identified with items and the items can be fixed the cure will be restricted to fix of such items or installment of the expenses of having the items fixed, yet something else, substitution of the items or the stock of identical items or installment of the expense of supplanting the items or of securing equal items.

The restriction of obligation applies whether the supposed risk depends on agreement, misdeed, carelessness, exacting risk or some other premise regardless of whether we have been educated concerning the chance of such harm.

In the event that you are disappointed with the utilization of the Site, or any of the items, administrations, individuals, providers as well as purchaser offered in association therewith or related therewith, all things considered, your sole and restrictive cure will be to suspend utilization of the Site.

7. Specific Warnings

You should guarantee that your admittance to and your utilization of the Site isn't illicit or disallowed by laws which concern you.

You should play it safe that the cycle which you utilize for getting to the Site doesn't open you to the danger of infection, adulterated information, worms, different directions or plan that would eradicate information or programming or cause the Site or any hardware or framework to get inoperable or unequipped for being utilized in the full way for which it was planned, or be exposed to pernicious PC code, PC program routine or measure or different types of impedance which may harm your PC framework. Without restriction, you are answerable for guaranteeing that your PC framework meets all important specialized determinations important to utilize the Site and is viable with the Site. For the evacuation of uncertainty, Opo Hotels doesn't acknowledge obligation regarding any impedance or harm to your PC framework which emerges regarding your utilization of the Site or any Linked Website.

Opo Hotels, doesn't ensure or warrant that any material accessible for downloading from the Site or any Linked Website will be liberated from any infection, disease or other condition which has defiling or dangerous properties. You are answerable for avoiding potential risk and checks to fulfill your own specific prerequisites for exactness of information info and yield.

You should guarantee that any data which you give to Opo Hotels, is precise and complete and doesn't contain any infection, malignant PC code, PC program routine or measure or other type of obstruction which may harm the PC arrangement of Opo Hotels, or the Information or which may negatively meddle with or clandestinely capture or dispossess any Opo Hotels, framework, information or data.

8. Connected Websites

The Site may contain connections to other sites ("Linked Websites"). Those connections are accommodated comfort as it were. Opo Hotels, gives such connections exclusively as an accommodation to you and for data purposes as it were. Opo Hotels, has not explored the entirety of the data on these different sites.

You recognize and concur that Opo Hotels,doesn't have any command over the substance or accessibility of Linked Web Sites and acknowledges no obligation regarding the substance, protection rehearses or some other part of Linked Websites.

Connections with Linked Websites ought not be understood as a support, endorsement or proposal by Opo Hotels, of the proprietors or administrators of those Linked Websites, or of any data, illustrations, materials, items or administrations alluded to or contained on those Linked Websites, except if and afterward just to the degree explicitly specified in actuality. In the event that you choose to get to the Linked Websites, you do as such at your own danger.

9. Hotel Reservations

The reservations highlight of the Site is given exclusively to help clients in deciding the accessibility of movement related administrations and items and to reserve authentic spot and for no other reason.

You warrant that you are at any rate 18 years old, have the legitimate power to go into the lawful arrangement established by your acknowledgment of these Conditions and to utilize the Site as per such Conditions. You consent to administer all use by minors of this Site under your name or record. You additionally warrant that all data provided by you or individuals from your family in utilizing this Site is valid and precise and without restriction, or any bogus or fake reservations.

You consent to be monetarily liable for your utilization of the Site including without constraint for all reservations made by you or for you for you, if approved by you. For any reservations or different administrations for which expenses might be charged you consent to maintain the terms or states of supply including without impediment installment of all funds due under such terms or conditions.

The Site contains subtleties of lodging charges and room rates (counting any accessible uncommon offers) for inns and resorts oversaw by Opo Hotels.

Lodging reservation terms and states of booking are set out on the Site and installment will be as per the system set out in such terms and conditions.

You concur that you will make just genuine reservations in compliance with common decency for use by you and your welcomed visitors just, and not for different purposes, including without constraint, exchanging, impermissibly doling out or posting on outsider sites or making theoretical, bogus or deceitful reservations, or any booking fully expecting request.

No agreement will stay alive among you and Opo Hotels, or any of its offshoots in regard of any administrations or items offered through the Site except if and until Opo roms, acknowledges your request by email or mechanized affirmation through the Site affirming that it has acknowledged your reservation, booking or request and any such agreement will be considered to fuse the lodging reservation terms and states of booking. Some other pertinent terms and conditions identifying with specific administrations or items are set out in the Site.

You attempt that all subtleties you furnish to regarding any administrations or items which might be offered by Opo Hotels, on the Site (counting lodging reservations) will be right and, where pertinent, the charge card which you use is your own and that there are adequate assets to take care of the expense of any administrations or items which you wish to buy Opo Hotels, claims all authority to get approval of your Mastercard subtleties prior to giving you any administrations or items.

10. Privacy Policy

We want you to be familiar with how we collect, use and disclose information. This Privacy Policy describes the privacy practices of Opo Hotels, ("Opo Hotels, ", "we", "us" and "our") in connection with the information that we collect:

  • 1.through www.opohotels.in operated by us from which you are accessing this Privacy Policy
  • 2.when you visit or stay as a guest at one of our properties, or through other offline modes of communication
  • 3.through the email messages that we send to you that link to this Privacy Policy and through your communications with us.

We want our services to be safe and secure for our users. Uniform practices for collecting, using, disclosing, storing, retaining, disposing, accessing, transferring or otherwise processing such information assists Opo Hotels, to process Personal Information fairly and appropriately, disclosing it and/or transferring it only under appropriate circumstances. This privacy policy relates to our use of any personal information we collect from you for providing hospitality related services.

This privacy policy intends to update you on how we use your personal information collected through www.opohotels.in or provided to us by other means. Please read this privacy policy before using www.oporoom.com or submitting any personal information. The privacy policy also relates to our use of any personal information you provide to us by phone, SMS, email, in letters, in person, through representatives and other correspondence or means.

This policy will be updated subject to any changes in information collection, activities performed or any applicable regulations. You are encouraged to review the privacy policy whenever you visit www.opohotels.in to make sure that you understand how any personal information you provide will be used and retained.

Purpose of Privacy Policy:

The purpose of this policy is to highlight various obligations, best practices and tools that support compliance with data privacy regulations applicable to Opo Hotels, in its role as both data controller as well as data processor, as applicable (if any).

Applicability: This privacy policy is applicable to:
  • a) everyone who accesses and uses www.opohotels.in including but not limited to external legal entities in any form or manner
  • b) Opo Hotels, customers who visit or stay at one of our properties
  • c) third party service providers or their representative
Collection or use of Information :

a) Collection of your information

Opo Hotels, collects, processes, and retains information about you when you visit our website www.opohotels.in or stay in one of our hotels or avail any other services provided by Opo Hotels. You provide us with information, such as your name, email address, company information, street address, telephone number, other contact and demographic information when you make a reservation, purchase a gift card, subscribe to the Opo Hotels, newsletter or obtain web exclusive rates on www.opohotels.in.

Moreover, you may choose to provide your personal information in connection with sending an e-mail or message, logging complaints, promotional offers and when you use our service.

Personal Information may include, but is not limited to:

i. Your name and physical address, email addresses, and telephone numbers
ii. Behavioral or demographic attributes, when tied to personal identifiers
iii. Credit card or debit card number
iv. Social media account ID or user ID, profile photo and other data you make available publicly or to us from your social media accounts, publically available platforms or other sources

v. Other similar information If you submit any personal Information relating to other people to us or to our service providers in connection with the Services (e.g., if you make a reservation for another individual), you represent and warrant that you have the authority to do so and to permit us to use the information in accordance with this privacy policy.

b) Use of your information

Any of the information we collect from you may be used in one of the following ways:

i. To develop, customize and improve our services: We shall process your personal information, preferences, user characteristics and usage patterns, and feedback to develop, customize and improve our services.

If you refuse consent for processing your personal information for the mentioned purposes in this subsection, you will not be significantly hindered in your use of the service. Refusing or withdrawing consent thus has no significant negative effects on your use of the service.

ii. Marketing purposes (including Opo Hotels, advantage or similar programs), to inform you about other information, events, promotions, products or services we think will be of interest to you.

iii. To process personal information necessary for the performance of a contract and providing the services: We may use this information for the provision of the website and the provision of the service according to our Terms of Service. Further, to process and/or respond to your requests, submissions, queries, complaints and any transactions and to provide you with information or services requested.

If you object to processing of your personal information for the mentioned purposes in this subsection, we may block or limit your access to the service and we reserve the right to end the agreement in accordance with the Agreement and/or the Terms of Use and/or statutory requirements. iv. To process your personal information necessary for compliance with a legal obligation: In order to prevent or investigate actual or suspected fraud, hacking, infringement, or other misconduct involving our services or website. Additionally, if we are required by law to disclose your information to any government authority, you consent to the provision of such information.

v. To send periodic emails: The email address you provide will be used to send you information and updates pertaining to the services provided by Opo Hotels.

vi. Select content, improve quality and facilitate use of the other interface channels : Opo Hotels, may use your Personal Information to help create and personalize content on our Channels (including but not limited to our website, social media pages, promotional programs or campaigns, etc.) , facilitate your use of the Channels (for example, to facilitate navigation and the login process), avoid duplicate data entry, enhance security, improve quality, track campaign and survey responsiveness and evaluate page response rates.

vii. Obtain third party services: We also share Personal Information and Other Information with third parties who provide services to Opo Hotels, for website management, information technology and related infrastructure provision, marketing and campaign management, customer service, e-mail delivery, auditing, and other similar services. When Opo Hotels, shares Personal Information with third party service providers, we contractually take an undertaking that they use your Personal Information and Other Information only for the purpose of providing services to us and subject to terms consistent with this Policy as well as mutual Non-Disclosure Agreements.


We do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under 18 years of age. As a parent or legal guardian, please do not to allow your children to submit personal information without your permission.

If you are in the EU, our Site is not directed at children under the age of 13. If you believe we have collected information about a child under the age of 13, please contact us so that we may take appropriate steps to delete such information. If you are at least 13 but under the age of 18, please get the consent of your parent or legal guardian before giving us any personal data about yourself.

Fairness and Purpose:

Opo Hotels, will gather sufficient, important and essential Personal Information, and will handle such data decently and legitimately for the reason it is gathered. The motivation behind assortment will be indicated not later than at the hour of information assortment, or on each event of progress of direction.

Data divulgence:

Opo Hotels doesn't share, sell, lease, or exchange individual data gathered through www.opohotels.in or data gave while remaining in one of our inns or profiting any of different administrations gave by Opo Hotels with outsiders for their sole special purposes or as in any case illustrated in this Privacy Policy. Opo Hotels may impart data to outsider specialist co-ops contracted to offer types of assistance for our sake for handling individual data, to direct promoting efforts and related administrations. These outsider specialist organizations may just utilize data we give to them as educated by Opo Hotels.

a) Opo Hotels may unveil your Personal Information as we accept to be fundamental or proper:

  • I. under material law, including laws outside your nation of home;
  • ii. to conform to lawful cycle;
  • iii. to react to demands from public and government specialists, including public and government specialists outside your nation of home, for public security or potentially law authorization purposes;
  • iv. to authorize our terms and conditions; and
  • v. to permit us to seek after accessible cures or cutoff the harms that we may continue.

b) Additionally, in case of a redesign, consolidation, deal, joint endeavor, task, move or other air of all or any segment of our business, resources or stock (remembering for association with any chapter 11 or comparative procedures), we may move the Personal Information we host gathered to the important third get-together.

c) We may impart data to legislative organizations or different organizations helping us in misrepresentation anticipation or examination. We may do so when:

  • I. allowed or legally necessary; or,
  • ii. attempting to ensure against or forestall real or possible misrepresentation or unapproved exchanges; or,
  • iii. exploring extortion which has just occurred. The data isn't given to these organizations to showcasing purposes.

In the event that Opo Hotels experiences a business progress, for example, a consolidation, procurement by another organization, or offer of all or a segment of its resources, your own data gathered through our website(s) might be among the resources moved. A conspicuous notification will show up on our website(s) for 30 days after any such change in proprietorship or control of your own data.


Assent is frequently alluded to as a person's decision to "select in" or "quit" of Opo Hotels utilization of individual data and is typically acquired by a "check box" or mark affirming the individual comprehends and consents to the preparing of their own data. Now and again, express composed assent from the individual might be required dependent on the data handling movement. Opo Hotels gets assent from people before:

  • I. gathering, utilizing, or handling their own data, including delicate individual data, unquestionably or then again offering the person's very own data to any outsider. Delicate individual information is information uncovering an person's worker's organization enrollment, dedication program participation, remain and booking designs, biometric information, information concerning wellbeing or information concerning inclinations during inn remains;
  • ii. moving the person's very own data outside of the person's nation of home
  • iii. utilizing or setting web treats on a person's PC or other electronic gadgets.
Utilization of Cookies:

We utilize different innovations to gather and store data when you visit our sites, and this may incorporate utilizing treats or comparable advances to distinguish your program or gadget. Treats are snippets of data put away straightforwardly on the PC or cell phone that you are utilizing. Treats permit us to gather data, for example, program type, time spent on the Online administrations, pages visited, alluding URL, language inclinations, and other totaled traffic information. We and our specialist organizations utilize the data for security purposes, to encourage route, to show data all the more successfully, to gather factual data, to customize your experience while utilizing the Online administrations and to perceive your PC to help your utilization of the Online administrations, for example, for the online reservation measure. Treats further permit us to choose which of our ads or offers are destined to speak to you and show them while you are on the online administrations or to send you commercials and showcasing messages. We may likewise utilize treats or different innovations to follow reactions to our online notices and showcasing messages. You can design your program to reject treats, or to caution you before a treat is set. On the off chance that you handicap treats, a few pieces of our sites may not capacity appropriately or by any stretch of the imagination.

Privacy Policy Modification:

We may refresh our security strategy every now and then, without earlier notification, and post it on the Site so you are constantly educated regarding the way we gather and utilize your own information. We urge you to survey this Privacy Policy at whatever point you access the Services and Site or in any case communicate with us to remain educated about our data rehearses and the manners in which you can help ensure your protection. Any progressions to this Privacy Policy will get powerful after posting of the overhauled Privacy Policy on the Site.

11. Security and Non-Confidentiality

Electronic transmissions of information including the Internet are public media and any utilization of such media is public not private.

Data identified with or emerging from such use is either open or the property of those gathering the data and not close to home or private data.

Opo Hotels, doesn't warrant and can't guarantee the security or privacy of any data which you communicate to Opo Hotels. In like manner, any data which you communicate to Opo Hotels, is sent at your own danger.

12. Repayment

You consent to repay and protect and hold us and our auxiliaries, members, officials, chiefs, specialists and workers innocuous from any case or interest, made by any outsider due to or emerging out of your break of this arrangement or the records it consolidates by reference, or your infringement of any law or the privileges of an outsider.Opo Hotels, inability to act regarding a break by you or others doesn't postpone its entitlement to act as for ensuing or comparable penetrates.

13. Correspondence

As for all correspondences made to Opo Hotels, on or through the Site including, without constraint, criticism, questions, remarks and proposals (the "Interchanges"): (a) no privilege of privacy will apply to the Communications and Opo Hotels, will have no commitment to shield the Communications from exposure; (b)Opo Hotels, will be allowed to repeat, use, reveal and disperse the Communications to other people; and (c) Opo Hotels, will be allowed to utilize any thoughts, ideas, know how or strategies contained in the Communications for any reason at all, including, without impediment, the turn of events, creation and advertising of items and administrations that fuse such data.

14. End of Access

On the off chance that you penetrate any of these Conditions your permit to utilize the Site will end promptly without the need of any notification being given to you.

In any case admittance to the Site might be ended whenever by Opo Hotels without notice.

The arrangements of these Conditions barring, restricting and repudiating the risk of Opo Hotels, will by the by endure any such end.

15. Ward

Restrictive ward of the Courts in Delhi

16. Re-visitation of Site

To re-visitation of the Site, click where demonstrated. Thusly, you recognize that you read, perceived and acknowledged these Conditions.

17. Terms & Conditions

By booking a stay at our hotel, you agree to our terms and conditions, including our cancellation policy, payment terms, and guest conduct guidelines. Please review these terms thoroughly to ensure a pleasant experience for all parties.

18. Refund & Cancellation Policy

Our refund policy allows for full refunds on cancellations made at least 48 hours before the scheduled check-in date. Cancellations made within 48 hours of check-in will incur a one-night stay charge. No refunds are provided for no-shows or early departures.